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Tuesday, October 6, 2009
P4 Science Test @ 6:03 PM

Participants : 7
Highest : 10/10
Lowest : 7/9

P4 Science Test

Q1) Lyn tried to push the plunger into a syringe but failed. What substance does it contain?

(1) Helium
(2) Cotton
(3) Sponge
(4) Sea Water

Q2) What is the path taken by the food a person has swallowed?

(1)gullet->stomach->small intestine->large intestine->anus
(2)gullet->stomach->small intestine->large intestine->bladder

Q3) Which object will cast the darkest shadow?

(2)Frosted Glass
(3) Tracing Paper

Q4) Which of the statements about light is true?

A It is matter
B It travels in a straight line
C We can see an apple cause it is reflected into our eyes
D Shadows are formed when light is blocked by an object

(1) A,C
(2) B,C,D
(3) A,B,D

Q5) List 2 ways a person can form a smaller shadow on a screen with a light source shining at an apple.


Q6) Where is food absorbed into the blood?

(1) Stomach
(2) Small Intestine
(3) Large Intestine

Q7) What is the main function of the following part?

(1) To allow the movement of bones in 2 directions.
(2) To allow the movement of bones in all directions.

Q8) Which of the following sentence is true when ice melts?

(1) The ice loses heat when it melts
(2) The ice loses heat to its surroundings and changes its state.
(3) The ice gains heat from its surroundings and changes its state.

Q9) Which of the materials is suitable to make a tent?

(1) A - waterproof, not flexible
(2) B - waterproof, flexible

Q10) What's the point repeating experiments?

(1) To ensure that the results are consistent.
(2) To ensure that the hypothesis is correct
(3) To ensure that the results are constant
(4) To ensure a fair test

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