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Just in case you are wondering what MESS is about, it is a collaborated educational blog. Find out more at the navigation "MESS" This blog is officially opened in 21 August 2009 -10 Recent Posts-
P4 Science Chapter 5: Circulatory SystemP4 Science: Air & the Respiratory System P4 Chapter 3: The Water Cycle & Importance of Water P4 Chapter 2: Water and Changes of States P4 chapter 1: Matter & its 3 states P3 Science Chapter 1: Diversity P3 Science Chapter 7: Life Cycles Of Animals P3 Science Chapter 8: Life Cycle Of Plants P3 Science Chapter 9: Heredity P3 Science Chapter 11: The Human Digestive System -Affiliates- Mrs Tan -Tagboard-
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-MESS- ![]() MESS CREW: June, Lyn, Eva, Youyou MESS e-m@il: angel_crystall@hotmail.com What MESS is about: Its really just an educational blog that everyone can see.Want to contribute to the site? Tag/ E-mail angel_crystall@hotmail.com! Please note that the pictures in the posts are NOT FROM MESS. It is from a public source. MESS = Maths,English,Science,Subjects respectively.
-English- Menu: Click to view 01. Double Consonants
The spelling is VERY TRICKY! *Preferred *Occasion *Embarrassed *Assstance *Thief *Environment *Handkerchief *Obsess *Occurrences *Referred *Assessment *Government *Witness *Convenience *Campaign *Received *Quiet *Acqire *Acceptable *Accommodate *Amateur *Calendar *Commited *Conscientious *Discipline --------------------------Take note of these words!----------------------- 02. Synthesis and Transformation
~Verbs to Noun Verb to Noun Explain = Explanation Poor = Poverty Wealthy = Wealth Late = Lateness Breathe = Breath Fond = Fondness Loyal = Loyalty Betray = Betrayal Escaped = Escape Hard = Hardness Playful = Playfulness Insolent = Insolence Silent = Silence 03. Conjunctions
A. When,before,after,since,while,as,until/til = PERIOD OF TIME Examples # She is hungry. She goes to the shop near her house. - Whenever she is hungry, she goes to the shop near her house. A1.Before Examples # The clothes are kept in the wardrobe. They are ironed. - Before keeping the clothes in the wardrobe, they are ironed. A2.After Examples # I know Raju better this year. I like him very much. - After knowing Raju better this year, I like him very much. A3.Since Examples # Her mother passed away. She has not been the same. - Since her mother passed away, she hadnot been the same. A4.While Examples # Lilin was in the kitchen. The doorbell rang - While Lilin was in the kitchen, the doorbell rang. A5.As Examples # Ahmad was walking down the street. Someone called him. - As Ahmad was walking down the street, someone called him. A6.Until/til Examples # Lyn will not go home. I tell her so. - Until I tell her so, Lyn will not go home. A7.If Examples # Clean up your room. Mother will be pleased. - If you clean up your room, Mother will be pleased. A8.Unless Examples # Jack's plant will not grow. He does not water it daily. - Unless Jack waters it daily, his plant will not grow. --------------------------CAN YOU GRASP THE CONCEPT?----------------------- 04. Grammar Rules
~Look out for clues in context! # Unless __________agrees, the excursion will be cancelled. 1. no one ![]() 3. Both 4. none ~Some words always remain Husband & Wife # Intention -----> Of E.g. We have no intention of living here. # Infected ------> With E.g. She was infected with H1N1. # Immunity ------> To E.g. She has immunity to aging. ~Infinitive "to" & Modal Verbs I know you teacher has been repeating this rule from P1 all the way to P6. When you see the Infinitive "to", do not put -ed,-es,-ing OR use past tense/past participle . DO the same when you see Modal Verb(e.g. Shall, should,can,could,may,might,do,did,will,would,etc) Examples # He has to______the party tonight. 1. went ![]() 3.goes 4.gone # He might have _______busy that night. ![]() 2. be 3.is 4.are ~Saw, Heard, Made, Let Use Present Tense when you see saw, made, let OR heard Example # We saw him climbover the wall. # We heard him giggle. # We made him pick up all the litter. # We let him recite the poem. ~Tenses 1. Simple Past Tense -an action has been done & is finished E.G. He drove past the post office today. 2. Simple Present Tense - actions that are happening NOW, a fact OR a HABIT E.G. Lyn looks tired all the time. *Note: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() --------------------------THERE ARE MORE!!---------------------------- 4.Difference between certain words #Affect - cause a change in Effect - what happens because of a cause #Practise - Verb Practice - Noun #Sprightly - old person who is lively spiritedly - Lively #Savage - save from wreck Salvage - cruel/violent #Backward - Adjective Backwards - Adverb #Whom - a noun is followed by the word "whom" (e.g. The man whom everyone(noun)despise...) Who - A verb is followed by the word "who" (e.g. The man who ran(verb) bumped into...) #Beside - preposition Besides - adverb #Allusion - indirect reference Illusion - misconception #Complement - sth that completes/make up a whole Compliment - expression of praise #Discreet - prudent,modest Discrete - seperate/individually distinct #It's - It is Its - Possession #Stationary - Fixed/unmoving Stationery - writing materials --------------------------ARE YOU CLEAR???---------------------------- 05. Collocations
5.Collocations This is helpful to Vocabulary Cloze.Try to remember it^^ If you are too lazy too read it, nobody's forcing you. Scroll down^^ Destroy - ability,evidence,reputation Gain - access, trust,respect,knowldege Receive - accolade Consider/suggest - alternative Display/provoke - anger Provoke - argument Flail/Outstretch - arms Provide - assisstance/info Make - attempt Draw/Pay - attention Change - Attitude Notify - Authority Receive - Award Acquire - knowledge Practise - law/medicine Break - leg Lead/live/sacrifice - life Set - Limit Establish - Link Prescribe - Medication Hold - meeting Refresh - Memory Convey - message Spot - mistake Create/spoil - mood Attempt/commit - murder,suicide,crime Dispel - notion/opinion/reumour/idea Raise - objection Achieve - objective/success Remove/overcome - obstacle Counter - offer Begin/Cease - Operation Predict - Outcome Alleviate/Relieve - Pain Encourage - Participation Grant - Permission Devise - plan Board/diembark/fly - plane Recite - poem Strike - pose/balance/blow Swing - bat/club Lose - battle Place/push - blame Create/manage - budget Keep - calm Nominate - candidate Plead - case Take - Chance Substantiate - Claim Wind - clock Catch - cold Provide - comfort Make - comment Draw/arrive at/come to - conclusion Impose/specify - condition Boost/destroy/exudes - confidence Resolve - conflict Suffer/face - consequences Gain/lose - control/support Close/negotiate - deal Arrive at/come to - decision Settle - differences Overcome - Difficulty Resolve/settle - Dispute Cast - doubt,shadow Smuggle,traffic - drugs Boost - ego,sales Control,Display/suppress - Emotions Place/put - Emphasis Destroy/present - evidence Meet/exceed - expectations Conduct - experiment Pick - fight Extinguish - Fir Clench - Fist/Teeth Hoist - Flag Wreak - Havok Set/Achieve -Goal Contract - Illness Feign/Plead - Innocence Misconstrue - Intentions Hinder - Investigations Address/Raise - Issue Pose - question Falsify - records Assume/Shirk from - Responsibility Tell/Spin - tale Lose - Temper Resist - Urge Declare/lose/wage - war Enunciate - words -----------SO YOU THINK READING A CHORE?CAN YOU IMAGINE ME TYPING IT?---------- 06. Good Phrases
6.Good Phrases ~It is beneficial to your composition. Remember some of the phrases that you like and use it! *Composition Tips* Paint a mental picture of the 5 senses: sight, smell, sound, touch, taste *Do you know?* ... creates a suspense. After ..., slowly introduce the climax. Held out breaths in anticipation is also 1 of the phrases you can use!Instead of My Heart Sank, why not use My heart sank to my heel?It exaggerates the tone and makes your composition more lively! Body Expressions Head: 1. Cannot make ~/tail of 2. keep your ~ above water 3. Get sth into your ~ 4. Scream your ~ off 5. Lose your~ Hair: 1. Let your ~ down Forehead: 1. Beads of perspiration formed on my ~ Eyebrows: 1. ~ tightly locked together Eye: 1. ~sore 2. Apple of an ~ 3. ~ing a new computer 4. in the ~ of the law 5. Turn a blind ~ 6. Set ~ on 7. ~-opener 8. ~ catching 9. Keep an ~ on 10.Could not keep my ~ off 11.In the blink of an ~ 12.In the twinkling of an eye Sports Day 1. My body tensed as they announced the names of the runners 2. "On your mark,ge set..."The gun cracked and the 16 of us took off 3. Kicking up dust i the track,leading to the finishing line 4. The distance was widening between _______&_______,but I was out of breath 5. I was about to drop to my knees and quit 6. The crowd was/spectators were roaring and yelling "Run!" 7. I ordered my legs to run 8. My legs were running a race against my brain and I was winning 9. There was a crowd of kid surrounding me, giving me hi-fives 10.Mount the rostrum Trapped in the lift Eleanor pressed the lift button continuously. It was her first day at work and she was already late. She was glad that one of the lifts was an express lift that would bypass all the floors between the fifth and the twentieth. It would allow her to reach the office in a much faster time. When the lift doors finally opened, Eleanor stepped in and hastily pressed the button for the twenty-fourth floor. She tapped her foot impatiently as the doors were closing. The lift began to rise. After it passed through the fifth floor, there was a thunderous clanging of sound of metal before the lift came to an abrupt halt. Eleanor’s eyes widened in fright. She pressed the yellow alarm button furiously. Immediately, a shrill ring penetrated the silence. Eleanor was certain that someone in the building would hear her. Before long, she heard the faint sounds of voices and the banging of the doors. People had heard the alarm! She would be saved! Eleanor began shouting and banging on the doors to tell them that she was trapped in the lift. However, she soon realised that being in the express lift meant that there were no means of escape for her until the twentieth floor. Her legs felt like jelly and a tingling sensation ran down her spine as she fell to the floor, uncertain if she would even get out alive. However, just when she thought that her situation was hopeless, the lift gave a jerk and shot upwards. Eleanor slid across the floor and she had to grip the floor to prevent herself from being thrown about. The ascent was so violent and rapid that she thought the lift was not going to stop until it shot through the roof or the building. However, a few seconds later, it thundered to a stop on the twenty-third floor. The doors slid open and a group of people from the lift maintenance crew to office staff stared at her with concern. Getting to her feet, Eleanor stumbled out of the lift. Eleanor straightened her clothes and hair. She tried to regain her composure but her hands were still trembling and she had broken out in a cold sweat. Smiling weakly at everyone and nodding at them, she assured them that she was all right. Then, she made her way to her office on the twenty-fourth floor. This time she took the stairs. Fire 1. Snarling with fright 2. Whole body impelled by shock & fear 3. Extinguished with a quick swoosh 4. Soon, panic gave way to fear as the flame turned into an angry fire, devouring hungrily, turning all into ashes almost instantaneously 5. The blazing fire darkened the sky 6. It scared her out of her wits 7. Terror coarsed through my throat and it felt dry 8. Fiery flames raged on furiously with vengeance 9. Sniffed the air 10.Whiff of the smell 11.Dull grey smoke rushed into ______ 12.Raging Fire 13.When I stumbled out of the house, i was still clad in my ______ and i yelled hystrically for help. 14.Acrid smell 15.Engulfed in flames 16.Wisps of smoke 17.Intransigent flames refused to give in to the water 18.Thick,blinding smoke enveloped the room 19.Burst into flames 20.Fiery tongues of fire 21.Heat of the fire seared through _______ 22.The furniture was charred thoroughly 23.Coughed violently 24. Soon, the heat of the fire was getting too much to bear. The smoke in the room was so thick that he could hardly breathe. The more he tried, the harder he found it. He felt his lungs burn w/ every breath he too & nomatter how har he tried, he could not seem to get enough air. He had begun tearing and shouted for help desperately. The last thing he heard before losing consciousness was the siren of the fire engine. The firefighters checked the door and then quickly opened it. In the thick, blinding smoke, he could see a young boy lying in a corner. The firefighters felt a jolt of terror coarse through them. They hoped they were not too late. They approached the boy in 3 strides and realised to their relief that the boy was still breathing, but barely. One of them heaved the young boy on his shoulders and quickly made his way out of the burning house while the rest continued to put out the fire. Fight ~6A pupils should be VERY FAMILIAR with this^^ They hurled insults at each other. Everyone was shocked at the string of abusive words used by them but no one dared to intervene. Everyone gasped when Ah Seng struck a blow at Ah Hock. He dropped to his knees with a thud. Mr Ho could not bear to watch any longer. He confronted Ah Seng and,like David facing Goliath, confronted Ah Seng. He caught hold of Ah Seng's collar and shoved him a step back. Shocked by Mr Ho's swift actions, Ah Seng delivered a punch on Mr Ho's stomach. He darted and missed it. By this time, a few men had already encircled Ah Seng & together, they banded to pin him dome. Some held his limbs while others sat on his struggling body. All on-lookers heaved a sigh of relief when they heard the wailing of sirens. The policemen handcuffed Ah Seng & the paramedics took Ah Hock to the ambulance. The onlookers praised Mr Ho for his brave act. His children were proud and delighte of their newly-crowned hero. Drowning 1. Her arms were flailing wildly in the air 2. Overwhelmed by pain, she sank below the surface of water 3. She was barely breathing. Her breaths were shallow & laboured 4. She thrashed about in the water 5. He tore across the burning hot sand and plunged right into the water 6. He swam with powerful strokes towards the head that was bobbing up and down. It was much more difficult than he expected as he was swimming against the current 7. He lifted her head above water and headed for the shore 8. He pumped rhythmically on her chest. She bagan to cough violently and water started spluttering out from her mouth After an accident Within minutes of the (situation: robbery/burglary,etc), the police arrived and cordoned of the (place).Police dogs prowled at the nooks and crannies of the (place),trying to sniff out the (person who did the crime:robber,burglar,etc). The police interviewed me and took down details of the (situation:robbery,burglary,etc) and the (person:robber,burglar,etc). They thanked me for being observant Pick Pocket! With two crisps ten-dollar notes in my hand, I waited patiently to buy the tickets to a movie. The long queue snaked forward. As I waited for my turn, I spotted a boy slowly removing a wallet from the back pocket of the man in front of him. The pickpocket turned, narrowed his eyes and looked in my direction. I pretended not to notice him. When it was the man’s turn to buy the tickets, he realised that his wallet was missing. The pickpocket walked to the next ticket booth. I rushed to the man. “Sir, the pickpocket stole your wallet,” I said, and pointed to the boy at the booth. The man frantically searched the boy. The wallet was not with him. The man looked at me confused. I was puzzled. “I am sure he took it,” I said. “The girl is lying,” the pickpocket declared. The man apologised to the boy. I felt foolish and stupid. Not one to give up easily, I trailed the pickpocket. He walked to the elevator where another boy joined him. The new boy fished out the wallet from his bag. I suddenly realised that the pickpocket had stolen the wallet and passed it over to his friend, who disappeared after the theft. What a ploy! While they were happily counting the money, I rushed back to the ticket booth and narrated what happened to the man who lost his wallet. He followed me reluctantly. This time, the pickpocket and his accomplice were caught red-handed. The two boys were reprimanded. I was rewarded with free tickets to the movies. I walked home with a wide grin on my face. -Social Studies- 1) MESS: Social Studies Notes 1 2) MESS: Social Studies Notes 2 3) FFAS: Social Studies Notes 1 4) FFAS: Social Studies Notes 2 5) FFAS: Social Studies Notes 3 6) FFAS: Social Studies Notes 4 7) FFAS: Social Studies Notes 5 8) FFAS: Social Studies Notes 6
| -Japanese- 1) Lesson 1: Pronounciation of Hiragana & Katakana 2) Lesson 2: Basic Greetings! 3) Lesson 3: How are You? Songs 1) Yuna Ito - Trust You 2) YUI - CHE.R.RY 3) Stephanie - Friends 4) Home Made Kazoku - No Rain No Rainbow -Korean- 1) Lesson 1: Hangul Alphabet System & Double Vowels 2) Lesson 2: Basic Greetings! 3) Lesson 3: Use of Consonants and Vowels 4) Lesson 4: Sentence Structure 5) Lesson 5: Basic conversation 6) Lesson 6: Korean Grammar 7) Lesson 7: How to ask for things? 8) Lesson 8: Korean Names & Topics Songs 1) Super Junior - Sorry Sorry 2) Super Junior - It's You 3) After School - Because of You 4) 2pm - Again & Again 5) Wonder Girls - Nobody 6) Witch Yoo Hee - Destiny 7) Boys Over Flowers - Paradise id="science" style="display: none;"> -Summaries- P3 MESS : P3 Chapter 1 : Diversity FFAS : P3 Chapter 1 : Diversity FFAS : P3 Chapter 2 : Classification P3 Chapter 7 : Life Cycles of Animals P3 Chapter 8 : Life Cycles of Plants MESS Diversity and Life Cycles Video P3 Chapter 9 : Heredity P3 Chapter 11: Human Digestive System P3 Chapter 12: Skeletonal & Muscular System P3 Chapter 14: Magnets P4 P4 Chapter 1 : Matter & its 3 states P4 Chapter 2 : Water & changes of states P4 Chapter 3 : Water Cycle & Importance of water P4 Chapter 4 : Air & Respiratory System P4 Chapter 5 : Circulatory System P4 Chapter 6 : Energy & Light P4 Chapter 7 : Heat P5 Chapter 1 : Solar System P5 Chapter 2 : Cells P5 Chapter 4 : Reproduction in Plants P5 Chapter 6 : Electricity P5 Chapter 7 : Forces & Work Done P6 P6 Chapter 2 : Forces of Energy & Conversion P6 Chapter 3 : Forces P6 Chapter 4 : Environmental Impacts P6 Chapter 5 : The Web of Life P6 Chapter 6 : Adaptation P6 Chapter 7 : Man & his environment S1 S1 Chapter 1.1 : Introducing Science S1 Chapter 1.2 : Where do Scientists work? The following are short tests put up by: MMJ, MESS & FFAS^^ Maths 1. MMJ: Before & After Concept Test 2. MMJ: External Transfer Test 3. MMJ: Difference Remains the same 4. FFAS: Comparison Test 1 5. FFAS: Comparison Test 2 6. FFAS: Maths Revision Test 1 7. FFAS: Maths Revision Test 2 English 1. MESS: English Test 1 2. MESS: English Test 2 3. MESS: English Test 3 4. FFAS: Vocabulary Cloze 1 5. FFAS: Vocabulary Cloze 2 Science 1. MESS: P3 Science Tests & Difficult Questions 2. MESS: P4 Science Test 3. MESS: P5 Science test 4. MESS: PSLE Science Short MCQ Revision Test 5. MESS: PSLE Science Short Revision Test 6. MESS: PSLE Short Open-Ended Revision Test 7. MESS: S1 Short Quiz 1.1 Chinese 1. FFAS: 高级华文
| -Maths- 1) MESS: Olympiad Questions |